Shawnessy Registry

If you have bought a trailer that was last registered in Alberta, you must register it in your name. Trailer plates are continuous, which means that you only pay to register that trailer and plate once. You do not renew them like a motor vehicle. In order to register a trailer, you will be asked to provide a bill of sale. Alberta Registries do not need to see insurance to register the trailer. However, you must make sure to let your insurance company know that you have purchased a trailer to have it added on to your insurance policy. If the trailer is brand new, you will have to provide an original NVIS (New Vehicle Information Statement) or Statement of Origin.

When you bring in the paperwork for the trailer, the name on the bill of sale must be the person that is coming into the office. If the person named on the paperwork is unable to come in, they can sign an authorization letter allowing someone else to register the trailer.

If the trailer is a homemade Trailer, you will be required to undergo the Assigned VIN program.

For example:

 Bill of SalePerson Coming InAuthorization Needed?
1.John SmithJohn SmithNo
2.John & JaneJohnYES, from Jane
3.John SmithJane SmithYES, from John

Authorization forms may be brought in, or faxed in. You may download and print this form here.
