Shawnessy Registry

We are proud to introduce a new service to our office.

Whether you are renewing or applying for the first time, our office offers both services for Security/Investigator licences.

The forms can be found on the below website as well as any additional information you may need. You MUST use Internet Explorer to access the website.

Upon applying you will receive a temporary right away that is valid for 60 days. This temporary licence will allow you to work while you wait for the permanent card in the mail which will be within 60 days.

If your licence is already expired you MUST mail your application (address will be on the last page of the application form).

Fees are also listed on the above link. Please note we charge an additional $9.45.

Payment can be made by Cash, Credit or Debit Card. You can also pay via Cheque or Bank Draft made payable to Shawnessy Licence and Registry. Service fees will apply with Debit or Credit Card payment.

Our office hours for Security/Investigator Licences are Monday to Friday 9 am to 4:30 pm.

You must be through the line before 4:30pm

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
