Shawnessy Registry

As soon as you realize that your licence plate is missing, you need to decide whether you believe it was stolen or lost.

If you feel that the licence plate was stolen, you MUST immediately contact your closest police station to create a case report. This protects you from any issues that may arise while the plate is out of your possession. Once you contact the police and receive your case number, you must bring in your current insurance pink slip, drivers licence and the case report to our office to obtain a new plate.

If you feel that the licence plate is lost, you need to come into the office with your current insurance pink slip and drivers licence to obtain a new plate.

When you come in to obtain a new plate, the person who is the registered owner must be the one to come in with the paperwork that is listed above. If they cannot come in, they can sign a letter of authorization to allow someone else to obtain a new plate.

For example:

 Registered ToInsured ByPerson Coming InAuthorization Needed?
1.John SmithJohn SmithJane SmithYES, from John
2.Jane SmithJane SmithJane SmithNo
3.John & Jane SmithJohn /Jane SmithJane SmithYES, from John

Authorization forms may be brought in, or faxed in. You may download and print this form here.
