Every year, the Alberta Government requires you to renew your licence plate and registration. April 2016, Government of Alberta stopped sending out reminder notices and it is now your responsibility to ensure you renew prior to expiry. Licence plates expire on the last day of the month assigned to you. In order to renew your vehicle, the process has changed. Retrieve your orange registration document and confirm whos name is listed as the registered owner of your vehicle and then follow the guide below to renew:
Vehicle Registered Only in Your Name
If the vehicle is about to expire or has expired less than three months ago:
- If you are attending the registry office yourself, you require either the registration or your Alberta Drivers licence AND valid insurance for the vehicle
- If you are sending an authorized party in to renew, they must be in possession of the registration and valid insurance (this may be in electronic format ie: MMS or scanned copy). Alternatively, if the registration cannot be found, the valid insurance and a letter of authorization signed by you giving them consent to renew the vehicle. The authorization form can be found here
If the vehicle has been expired for more than three months:
- If you are attending the registry office yourself, you require either the registration or your Alberta Drivers licence AND valid insurance for the vehicle
- If you are sending an authorized party in to renew, they must be in possession of the valid insurance (this may be in electronic format ie: MMS or scanned copy) and a letter of authorization signed by you giving them consent to renew the vehicle. The authorization form can be found here
Vehicle Registered in Two Names
If the vehicle is about to expire or has been expired less than twelve months:
- Either person listed on the registration may attend the registry office. Both are not required to be at the office in person. Whomever is attending the office must bring either the registration or their Alberta Drivers licence and valid insurance showing both parties names for the vehicle
- If either party is unable to attend the office and an authorized party is coming in, they must be in possession of the registration and valid insurance (this may be in electronic format ie: MMS or scanned copy). Alternatively, if the registration cannot be found, the valid insurance and a letter of authorization signed by both registered owners will be acceptable. The authorization form can be found here
If the vehicle has been expired for twelve months or more:
- Both registered owners must be present in the office with their Alberta Drivers licences and valid insurance. If the expired registration is readily available, please bring that as well.
- If one registered owner is attending the office and the other is not, the person not in attendance will be required to sign the authorization form found here. The person attending the office must bring their Alberta Drivers licence, the authorization form and valid insurance (this may be in electronic format ie: MMS or scanned copy). If the expired registration is readily available, please bring that as well
- If either party is unable to attend the o ffice and an authorized party is coming in, they must have the valid insurance and the authorization form that you will find here (*link to auth) which must be signed by both registered owners.
Vehicle Registered to a Company
If the vehicle is about to expire or has been expired less than twelve months:
- Any authorized representative with signing authority on the company may attend the registry to renew the vehicle. The person will require the registration and valid insurance for the vehicle.
- If none of the signing authorities of the company can attend the office, a third party may attend. They will require the registration and valid insurance for the vehicle (this may be in electronic format ie: MMS or scanned copy). If the registration is not available, written authorization will also be required. You will find the authorization form here. The authorization must be filled in by a person who has signing authority on behalf of the company
If the vehicle is expired for twelve months or more:
- Any authorized representative with signing authority on the company must attend the registry to renew the vehicle. They will require their Alberta Drivers Licence, valid insurance and the expired registration if it is readily available.
- If none of the signing authorities of the company can attend the office, a third party may attend. They must have the written authorization form found here (*link to auth), the valid insurance and the expired registration if it is readily available(this may be in electronic format ie: MMS or scanned copy) . The authorization form must be filled in by a person who has signing authority on behalf of the company.